doing things

doing things

Hello everybody hope you are all well - Hola Todos espero que estéis bien.

Here are some more visuals over the things I have been doing to keep me busy during these rather dull times of quarantine. We have had some glorious sunny days here in England, so so lucky to have a garden where I spend most of my day at typing away and relaxing, but I do feel for those who don’t - so much love goes to everyone!

It’s important to look after your mental health as well your physical wellbeing, which I certainly have been taking as my priority by doing Yoga and all types of workouts but specially Cardio as a substitute for running outside as I do not intend of going out at all, as a way of helping the NHS. It is best advised to stay at home everyone.

At the bottom of this blog post I have created a list of things I’ve been doing. Enjoy!

It’s okay to not always follow a specific routine but by nature this is how I like to live my life. Therefore, I’m not here to tell you what you should do but I thought it would be nice to let you know what sorts of things I have been up to recently.

  1. Waking up slowly around 7.45-8am and slowly easing myself to get a Morning workout done at 8.15 (I love using the FiiT app for all sessions) - I usually do 25 min Cardio on the Weekdays and 40 min on Fridays & then 40 min of Strength on Saturdays and a chill 40 mins of Pilates on Sundays. They’re so uplifting no matter how tired you feel, the music is so motivating!

  2. We’ve been having great weather here so I’d have breakfast out in the garden (usually my typical greek yoghurt, granola and fruit) whilst sipping some sort of tea (either a chai, green tea, or your standard English Breakfast) - never drink coffee with caffeine (makes me too jittery)

  3. By 10am, I’d always be scrolling through my emails and checking my socials for half an hour at least before moving on to any lessons I want to learn by 11 - normally Economics as I’ll have to remember content for uni, learning French and recently discovered Ayurveda (an ancient wellbeing system which basically translates to ‘the knowledge of life’)

  4. Prepare some lunch (whether its leftovers or a new recipe to try)

  5. Either cook/bake or watch something (I’ve been absolutely loving this cookie recipe by Anna Newton) and I have been loving the new season of Killing Eve on BBC.

  6. Been practicing some evening yoga, been loving Yin Yoga with Cat Meffan on the FiiT app so so grounding and relaxing just to end the day off feeling positive.

  7. Enjoying a light dinner at around 7pm and then watching some YouTube videos or practice some meditation - been loving Lizzy Hadfield, Lindsey Holland, TheAnnaEdit and Estee Lalonde.

  8. Light up some candles (getting myself as Zen as possible) as well as listening to some soundscape music on the Calm app whilst reading my current favourite book, Sapiens. It’s such a good read for anyone who loves learning about the history of humans and discovering how humanity progressed. 10/10 read.

  9. *blows candles out.